According to liver doctors in Punjab, it is indispensable for every parent to know what a newborn jaundice is. So let us study this topic in brief:
- What is the connotation of newborn jaundice?
According to a liver hospital in Ludhiana, if a baby is experiencing any of the adobe mentioned symptoms, then it is an indication that he or she is afflicted with newborn jaundice:
- Yellowing of a baby’s skin
- Pale eyes
This kind of jaundice is customarily encountered in babies who have considerably high and alleviated levels of bilirubin. The bilirubin is a kind of yellow pigment which is generated after the red blood cells are broken down normally.
- Why is newborn jaundice popular among young children?
The newborn jaundice is customarily found among young children because their liver has not got that much matured which is necessary to eliminate the bilirubin. On the other hand, the liver of the adults or grown-up children is mature enough to terminate the harmful toxins from entering the body.
- Does newborn jaundice go by itself?
Yes, newborn jaundice goes by itself. As soon as the liver commences to get developed and the baby initiates feeding, the excessive bilirubin is supposed to get out of the body in both the forms of excretion.
- For how long does it stay?
In almost all cases, this ailment is supposed to fade away within a period of near about two to three weeks. But if it persists even more longer, then the following conditions are definite to be experienced by the baby:
- Deafness
- Cerebral Palsy
- Brain Damage
- Are all the babies diagnosed to check whether they are afflicted with this ailment at the time they are born?
Yes, when the mother and the baby are discharged from the hospital, the newborn baby undergoes some necessary tests to ensure that he is healthy and not afflicted with any of the complicated ailments. Besides, when the baby is about three to five years of age, he is checked again.
- What are the preponderant risk factors of this distressing affliction?
Ensuing are the predominant risk factors of newborn jaundice:
- When a baby is born before thirty-seven weeks’ gestation period.
- Babies who are deprived of breastfeeding.
- If the baby is not consuming the required amount of mother’s milk
- Sudden and rapid alleviation in the bilirubin levels because of the destruction of the red blood cells owing to incompatible blood types of the mother and the baby.
- What is the predominant cause of newborn jaundice?
Following are the quintessential causes of newborn jaundice:
- If a baby is born with bruising.
- If at the time of birth, the infant is suffering from internal bleeding.
- Any infection in the liver can also contribute in a significant way
- Any sort of enzyme deficiency or lacking
- Disfigurement of the red blood corpuscles
- Complications with the livers
Final Thoughts
If the baby’s skin merely on touching turns pale, it is an indication that the baby has to be taken to the doctor for an immediate consultation.